For 40 years, The Marshfield Food Pantry has been providing food to our neighbors and partnering with other local organizations to reduce the risk of hunger in our community. Our sole mission is to provide a resource for families struggling to make ends meet.
Visiting the Marshfield Food Pantry
Conveniently located in Library Plaza, visiting the Marshfield Food Pantry is like stopping by your local grocer. At your first visit, we ask for basic information about you and your family. This helps us to keep count of families to ensure adequate quantities of food are available. You will never be asked about financial situation or why you are visiting the food pantry.
Families can visit once each month and will receive a week’s worth of groceries.
The Marshfield Food Pantry strives to provide healthy and nutritious food choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner: cereal, bread, pasta, tuna, condiments. There are always healthy fruits and vegetables, vouchers for milk, cheese, eggs and butter, as well as, meats and sides to create nutritious meals
But wait, there’s more
Snacks for the kids
Pet food
Personal care items
Gluten free, low sodium and diabetic when available
Holiday and Thanksgiving meals
Please stop by. All are welcome.
Can’t make it in to see us, then give us a call.
Phone: (781) 837-0359